Moon Tapestry


Moon Tapestry

13:09 min, 16 mm transferred to DV-tape and to digital file, color, sound, 2024.

A 19th-century French hand-painted wallpaper from Medborgarhuset, the house for the citizens in Stockholm, forms the basis of this piece. It was filmed using 16 mm film transferred to DV-tape and processed through a broken post-production machine from the 1990s. The installation explores a variation of the Endymion mythology, where the god Hypnos falls in love with Endymion, causing him to keep his eyes open during sleep. This allows Hypnos to continuously gaze at the young man's face. The installation embodies a technological sedimentation or a pastoral utopia, representing the moon as a gigantic pixel. It explores the dimensions of a square, representation, subject, room, limit, surface, and the definition of front and back.